Photo source: Automotive Cluster Bulgaria
Very few things remain of that Bulgaria connected with traditional sectors like energy or wood. In the last years, different trends are completely changing the map of opportunities and investments in Bulgaria.
Nowadays, a very steady and robust trend can be perceived regarding the BPO Sector (Business Process Outsourcing) in Bulgaria. Bulgaria is increasing positions in all international rankings as one of the most solid and attractive BPO destinations. The possibilities are unlimited, from Customer Support to Back Office, Bulgaria is evolving as a worldwide class destination in this industry. All kind of companies, including a considerable amount of Spanish ones, are outsourcing part of their processes in Bulgaria.
Even more interesting is the latest opportunity that is arising in Bulgarian market, the outsourcing of strategic steps of the Value Chain. Until not so long time ago, there were some steps of the production process that could not be outsourced due to the technical implications. Now, Bulgaria is emerging as a reference in IT sectors, with a great variety of international companies outsourcing their strategic needs in Bulgaria.
Also, Bulgaria is becoming an interesting opportunity for industrial needs. Sometimes it becomes impossible to escalate an industrial production when there is a sudden increase in the demand. In those situations, there are opportunities in Bulgaria to satisfy those needs at the lowest costs in the entire European Union. Bulgaria in this regard, is attracting international industrial companies of all kind, from Automotive Multinationals, to some of the best known Clothes Brands.
What are the factors making Bulgaria such an attractive opportunity for a company? Essentially, there are three circumstances contributing to this new era in the Bulgarian economy. The first is the existence of an inexpensive pool of Human Resources. The second is the strategically ideal position of Bulgaria as a member of the European Union in the border with Turkey and strongly connected with entire Eastern Europe. The third is the taxation, with a fix rate of 10% as Corporate Tax, which is generally stated as the lowest of the entire European Union.
Investing in Bulgaria, outsourcing in Bulgaria, identifying business opportunities in Bulgaria, all those are ideas that a lot of people consider, but in order to come from the idea to the execution, you will need the help of qualified people with a deep understanding of the dynamics of this country.
Carlos Valenzuela, How2Go Business Partner in Bulgaria